Thursday, June 20, 2019

9 Most Common Abbreviations Used In Email And Texting

When we find any abbreviation which we have not heard before, we simply go to Google and search for its meaning. So, if you want to get knowledge about some of the most common acronyms, then go this page carefully.

All business communications are becoming informal these days with the use of Email and texting. The urgency to respond quickly has given origin to the use of new acronyms and vocabulary. There are still some business owners who need a proper understanding of these words.
Here’s a short guide to the 9 most common abbreviations used in the Email and texting.

1.       ASAP: This is an acronym for ‘As soon as possible’. If you want to get the quick replay to any mail, then you can add this Antonym which describes the immediate action that needs to be taken.
2.       RSVP: You might have seen this word on wedding invitation cards even. This is a French word which simply means ‘Please answer’. The full form of this word is ‘Respondez S’il Vous Plait’. This word is used to confirm the presence of receiver at event or meeting.
3.       FYI, PSC or PSI: This antonym is used in almost all the corporate offices. FYI stands for ‘For your information’. If a sender wants to emphasize a particular object or matter, then this Acronym can be used.
4.       C/O or A/C: C/O stands for ‘Care of’. If a sender is sending mail on behalf of company rights, then he can add company name preceded by ‘C/O’. If you are sending from your personal account, then C/O implies single person.
5.       ATT: This is simply a goodbye to finish the email. If you are thinking of ‘Attention’ from ATT, then it is wrong in email terminology. You can use this word in place of ‘Regards’ at the end of every mail.
6.       ABS: This is a short form for ‘Hugs’. If a sender wants to say goodbye in a relaxed or comfortable manner, then ‘ABS’ can be used in place of Goodbye. Another way to say goodbye is simply written ‘Hugs’ at the end of the mail. This is much simple and concise in manner.
7.       P.S: It is a short form for ‘Post Scriptum’. In case you failed to mention an important point or information in the main message, you can enter the additional information by adding ‘PS’ in front of it. This will emphasize that additional information and the reader will definitely read this information.
8.       OBS: From the word itself, it implies ‘Observation’ which means drawing person attention on a particular subject. If you are sharing an important piece of information, then you can use ‘OBS’ at the end of the mail.
9.       TKS: This is an acronym for ‘Thanks’. If you don’t want to write a complete word, then you can add this short word for the same. This will solve the same purpose.
So, these are some common antonyms which you may or may not be aware of. If you are new to these words, then we encourage you to use these antonyms for faster communication with subordinates.
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